Echo Reading

Quite often, particularly with emergent and developing readers, listening to them read can be a test to anyone's patience! Echo reading takes away the pressure on the child and allows the adult to model good expression, tone and speed.


"It shouldn't be a surprise to learn that students must hear fluent readers begin modeling if they are to understand how they should sound when they read fluently (Miller and Veatch, 2011)."


So the basic premise is you as the adult, read the sentence (in two parts if a long sentence), following each word with your finger so the child can see. The child then echos back the sentence, importantly following each word with their finger as well. They are still reading, but they have had it expertly modelled first and you have taken some of the decoding pressure off. There is a video here showing how it can work.


You can mix it up, your child may read a paragraph by themselves to you and then you do the next with echo reading and so on. It is a tried and tested way to teach reading that always has a huge impact even if your child is reading at an age expected level.

We will be doing this in school one to one and in groups as well.