Governing Body

Our Governing Body comprises of the Headteacher, 2 parent governors, 1 local authority governor, 1 staff governor and up to 9 co-opted governors.  For this academic year our Deputy Headteacher is attending as an Associate Governor. Together, the full governing body is responsible for providing strategic management and to act as a 'critical friend' to the headteacher and staff. 

All Governors are volunteers and give their time and expertise freely to the school.  The role of governor is not necessarily an easy one, however, with the right approach and support it can be extremely rewarding.  We are a member of the National Governance Association, gaining access to their training packages and support.  Also, Kirklees has an outstanding set of trainers and officers who provide support and guidance.  Copies of the minutes are available from the office.

Enquiries are welcomed from members of our local community and parents, to express interest in becoming a governor.  Please email for further information.